Slurry tank

Tanks, flaps Slurry tank Our company offers slurry tanks with a capacity of 12,000 liters, which can be easily adapted to the chassis of your choice. Thanks to our flexible design, slurry tanks can be prepared for mounting on different types of chassis, providing versatility and customization. Our tanks are Read more…

Production assembly and repair of production lines

STEEL CONSTRUCTION Production assembly and repair of production lines Manufacturing, assembly and repair services for production lines – perfect solutions for optimizing your production and process efficiency. I am certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 3834-2 Posiadam certyfikaty ISO 9001 oraz ISO 3834-2 Contact REALIZATION PORTFOLIO Production assembly and repair Read more…

Installation and replacement of pipelines, pipeline supports

Halls, sheds, canopies Installation and replacement of pipelines, pipeline supports Nasza firma oferuje profesjonalne usługi z zakresu instalacji i wymiany rurociągów oraz montażu podpór pod rurociągi. Działamy w branży rurociągowej, dostarczając klientom kompleksowe rozwiązania związane z infrastrukturą przemysłową. Nasz doświadczony zespół specjalistów posiada wiedzę i umiejętności, by sprostać najbardziej wymagającym Read more…

Performing adjustments and regeneration of equipment and spare parts

Industry services Performing adjustments and regeneration of equipment and spare parts We offer professional adjustment and remanufacturing services for equipment and machinery. Our experienced team of specialists deals with both the adjustment of equipment and machines and the regeneration of spare parts. We operate according to the highest standards, ensuring Read more…

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